What We Do

Peace and human rights advocacy:

Engaging people on peace and human rights advocacy by educating and strengthening the capacity for peace as well as enlightening on human rights and responding to their violations; thereby developing a peaceful society based on social justice, democratic principles and respect for human dignity.

Global peace and security advocacy:

Promoting global peace and security through advocacy for peaceful settlement of disputes, disarmament, arms reduction, abolition of nuclear weapons as well as peaceful uses of outer space and research.

Climate change and environmental protection:

Advocating for climate change and environmental protection through call for the use of clean, renewable and sustainable energy as well as support for conservation of natural resources and the existing natural environment.

Humanitarian assistance:

Engaging in aid and action designed to save lives, alleviate suffering and maintain and protect human dignity during and in the aftermath of man-made crises and natural disasters, as well as preventing and strengthening preparedness for the occurrence of such situations.

Volunteering opportunities:

Collaborating with local and international voluntary and similar organizations with a view to engaging desiring members as volunteers in humanitarian field in such organizations and providing employment and internship services where available.

Think tank services:

Providing technical advises and supports on related topical issues like peace, human rights and sustainable development to organizations, institutions, governments and international organizations.

Other areas of advocacy and operation:

*Democratic principles, social justice and human development. *Gender equality. *Sports, arts and culture as tools for peace and human rights. *Organizing and participating in local and international seminars and conferences.